We were right up front (as usual). The Docs have been in the studio cutting new tracks. Sure to be hits, we were lucky enough to hear "Taking the Train" and "Be yourself". Of course we were blessed with the standby crowd pleasers "N17", "Green and Red of Mayo" (up Mayo!), "Never Mind the Strangers" and "Clar
e Island".

This is Anto jamming on the Sax like nobody's business!
The N17 Stickers are still on Sale - $2.00 each or three for $5.00- Shoot me an email or leave a comment and I will get them out to you.
WE ARE NOT TOTAL SLACKERS - My Sister, Veronica and I arose early the very next morning, still half-deaf from standing too close to the speakers the night before, and ran a 5K in Plymouth. We made a good showing and climbed the big hill appropriately named "the jaw dropper". A nice 250' steep incline so high we could see PTown from the crest. Ahhh, but where there's an uphill climb, there is a down hill climb. NICE JOB to everyone who ran!
US AT THE FINISH LINE!! Still Smiling so it can't be all that bad!
For the Docs Fans I will see you all in August at the next show! Slan go foill!
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