True! My Garden is producing food!

I keep the Mixed Salad Greens in a pot on the porch so I have easy access.
Here is Mysti trying to help harvest some lettuce!

How do you know when a Radish is ready? He pokes his little red head up out of the dirt!
I love fresh radish! YUM!

Here's my lettuce picked in the collander and ready for washing!

Just add some fresh onion and pepper - Wha La! Salad!

Served with Fresh Lasanga (with meat, but you can see some of the fresh spinach from the mixed green pot on the porch in the smaller lasagna dish).
You are not seeing double, I'm lazy! Uber Lazy! If I am going to make Lasanga, I usually make two at a time so I can freeze one - then if I'm not in the mood to make dinner, I can just pop one in the oven ! It's usually better after it's frozen, the moisture has been soaked up after baking .
1 Box of Lasagna noodles - boiled in salted water with 1 tblspn olive oil
32oz. Red Sauce of your choice
1/2 lb of ground beef
1/2 lb of ground sausage
32 oz of Ricotta Cheese
2 eggs - beaten
8 oz (or more if you like) of Mozzerella (low moisture)
Bowl of fresh spinach (washed well) - You can use frozen, just defrost and dry well
1 medium onion - sliced or diced (your choice)
tons of garlic (okay 3-4 tablespoons) or one fresh head of a garlic - smashed or chopped
Parmasan Cheese to taste (I use quite a bit)
Boil your noodles to just undercooked so they soak up extra moisture while cooking. I suggest boiling for approximately 4-5 minutes then add cold water to stop the cooking/boiling water.
I brown the sausage and ground beef together with sliced onion. I also add the garlic to this mix close to the end so as not to burn it. If you need to add moisture or a tablespoon of olive oil, go ahead - live large! If you just want moisture try chicken stock.
I mix the ricotta cheese with the two beaten eggs to help bind the lasagna.
Now's a great time to turn on the oven - heat to 375
When all these steps are done you can prepare your pan. I use glass, but you can use metal if you prefer. I put a bit of sauce on the bottom of the pan so the noodles don't stick (key!).
Begin to layer your lasagna noodles. I slightly overlap the After your first layer is down, I usually start with meat and I mix the ricotta cheese with the meat, but some people do cheese one layer, meat one layer. It's your preference. Sprinkle this layer with parmasan cheese.
Now repeat by layering the noodles again, the meat and the cheese, also add a bit of sauce if you like. Then top the whole pan off with more noodles. Add a bit of sauce to the top layer and then sprinkle or layer your Mozzerella cheese over the top. Cover the top with Foil or parchment then foil and bake for one solid hour covered. Then take the foil/parchment cover off and brown your top for another 10 minutes or so. Watch it doesn't burn! Let your pan set for five to ten minutes before cutting and then enjoy!!
Next up - Quechee Balloon Festival 2010!